Carl Mydans – “Chain gang” @ GALLERY M
In 1929 the United States depression hit and set in motion countless events, planting seeds for the United States government’s great Farm Security Act and WPA. The social documentary captured by budding photographers remains a permanent reminder of what can loom when economic policies can either run amock or create prosperty.
In 1938, Carl Mydans found himself on Wall Street. The bankers before him embodied and captured what we all expect: trust with our finances. Currently, online finance is based on our highest expectation: trust through security.
Today’s departure of Alan Greenspan brings an end to a financial era. His bold steps kept our country moving forward productively and with prosperity when other’s might have put political gain in the forefront. For Ben Bernanke, Suze Orman,CNBC and the street, finance ministers new and past, corporate raiders and Kingdoms and Countries, Carl Mydans‘ limited edition, Gelatin Silver photograph titled The Chain Gang remains the one shot creatively and in actuality “worth more than a thousand words.”