Many faces of Marilyn Monroe 1953

eisenstaedt_alfred_Marilyn Monroe 1953_LThe grand celebration continues in the art world for Marilyn Monroe.  In her absence, the starlet and pretty face permeates to the youngest of fans and connoisseurs alike.  How one image becomes more important to a social dialogue over another depends on a host of factors, one of which is visibility.

In 2011, artists have access to Marilyn imagery almost where ever they turn.  They can turn her upside down, inside out, “kinko” a book cover and recreate her likeness – but not in it’s exact state.  When Alfred Eisenstaedt was mesmerized by her sultry voice in her backyard in 1953, his camera captured the mood.   While many have had sessions with Marilyn Monroe, the black sweeter she wore has become a distinct, casual look of today’s jet set.   The flattery that has bestowed her – from Warhol to Madonna, from fans on Facebook to edgy art oddities like MBW (AKA Mr. Brainwash), makes the classic image she created with other luminaries like Eisenstaedt so much more desirable.

Author: Mason Hayutin

Founder, Editor and contributing writer, Mr. Mason Hayutin is recognized for his depth of experience and knowledge in technology, energy economics, real estate and the arts (fine and visual). Having worked with recognized world-class artists and their estates since 1997, Mason brings a wealth of practical experiences from installations, marketing, and private sales. An active business advocate, he successfully released the fine art documentary film LUBIE LOVE in 2009 ahead of the global auto crisis - in addition to maintaining his tenure at GALLERY M INC. Hayutin holds a degree in Economics from Washington University in St. Louis. He is the founder of MASONmodern, a boutique real estate firm based in Denver, CO. You can read his insight here at The Art Quarterly as well as in regional and national publications.

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