Online Art Collecting Resources
Today’s collector for fine art, photography and sculpture has access to a variety of guides, opinions and resources to ensure an informed purchase decision is possible. Site quality will determine the effectiveness of your decision of course. Here are a few that will help you obtain facts and figures in addition to the main gallery or artist website which you at a minimum should review.
For photography consider pdn or luminous lint as a starting point. Sculpture and Fine Art, starting points should include magazines like Art Collector, Art and Antique and Artnews.
Various opinion and “expert sites” exist also. Cavet emptor of course when reading such internet chatter – but do read on. Self proclaimed experts, those sitting in a dark room with poster art above their desk, claiming to be “in the business” should obviously be questioned. When reviewing such sites, the opinions may truly be valid. Since everyone has an opinion, ensure that you are comfortable with the source. Having been a dealer for over 11 years and participated in dealer to dealer shows, trade only and dealer to collector exhibitions, an avid collector can turn out to be a great resource. More likely the compounded experience of the dealer will be even more thorough.