In my short life, I have witnessed 7 previous Presidencies and 13 election cycles. Mastery of media and technology has played a key role for all. Affording both to win office has been typically engulfed by special interest pandering. Political interest has driven our economic outcomes. Thanks to Trump, and to a lesser degree, Senator Sanders, we have an opportunity to see whether a career businessman or a career politician can propel America forward. It is potentially the 1% vs 99%.
The role of Media:
We are fortunate to have direct communications and spin from The White House via the White House social media feeds and website. Almost 37 years ago, we the people were granted live feeds from Congress and Washington DC courtesy of C-Span. Today, our congressional leaders hold hour long monologues. These speeches are without a full chamber required of their contemporaries and our representatives. Reaching each voter across this great land has been a function of who could be heard most across all classes of society.
This presidential campaign has already occupied almost two years worth of media airtime. And safely, most citizens would rather do something other than watch another Megan Kelly – Fox (s)nooze debate. We tweet, blog and post. Content is generated by each candidate and then spun into our feeds as we see fit. The longtail of politics has developed a broader audience than ever. The citizenry is truly aware – not necessarily informed accurately about our state of affairs.
Party, Power and The Mighty Branded Dollar:
Left or right, the parties are lost. They require citizen dollars. Senator Bernie Sanders, underfunded and to some a political pariah, is likely to succumb to the larger left establishment supporting, blindly, financially or perhaps because she is a woman, former Senator Hilary Clinton. On the right, the cheating and lying typically found in the system, has been in full frontal display in our media with each week’s broadcast of the Republican debates. And from that cesspool, the apparent party favorite is Capitalism’s outcome called Donald Trump.
Without the inclusion in the next few weeks of former Mayor Michael Bloomberg as the Independent hopeful, Trump will correctly demonstrate for Politicos and Econs alike a living model of how Economics leads Politics in a Capitalist system today.
The Republicans have been enamoured with mega donors. Its purpose previously was to ensure the favored family wins the party vote. Strangely, we have lived in a Democracy that boarders on the appearance of a Monarchy – The Roosevelts, The Bush Clan, Clintons and of course Camelots own, The Kennedys.
The Trump Brand:
Trump has so far outdone the need for funding by first being a successful business owner and media sensation. His popularity in “Reality TV” has ensured a platform of fans – and hence voters. He is now depositing each at the electoral bank as every day towards the nomination and election nears. His biggest success though is not needing to worry about which superPAC backs him at this time. And without the need to be influenced by other equally successful business owners, Trump – who has not squandered his family’s fortunes yet – is now positioning the American public for a true test of Democracy.
While running as a Republican, he will push America’s citizens and our cultural fabric. He claims to be ready to solve our country’s debt problem. As a leader, Trump will need to ensure all are treated fairly. Sadly that has not been his campaign rhetoric. His campaign runs the risk of securing the fortunes of the top 1% of our society. He will be able to enlist as any other elected official can those who he sees fit for each role. Ideally that would not be cronies. Our Democracy will be lead by someone who is currently married to an elegant immigrant, a former fashion model who shot with Helmet Newton, Mario Testino, Sports Illustrated and most recently Harpers Bazaar. She relied on our immigration system to ultimately become a naturalized US citizen. And their son is now a beneficiary.
The Trump first family will supposedly be an affluent, educated, definitely well off example of how Americans vote for an ideal vs facts. Trump’s own website is a glossy “annual report” laced with soundbite videos and limited details on the plan for the next four years. The appeal is – and has been – his ability to negotiate and to survive financially. For the small business owner, the ability to make a living is why Trump appeals to him or her. For the large corporation, if not in the Real Estate, Entertainment or Casino industry, Trump may be your man because he is one of you. Do not count on his role to be similar to President Teddy Roosevelt, especially if his homophobic statements are put into action.
For each and everyone of us, America needs a formidable leader. Trump’s possible nomination will enable America to have a proven leader – at least by his wealth – to take the helm of the world’s most important economy. Politically power will have become the ultimate outcome for this business “winner.” And where the country is taken will depend on how Trump yields his wealth and power to shape America into a “Great” country. Wall Street is already adorned with his name – just visit 40 Wall Street. For that matter, so too is Pennsylvania Avenue.
Fortunately we have a pluralistic system with checks and balances that will be undoubtedly tested. If facts and not lies are adhered to, Trump’s relationship with US is going to be tested. Financially, his fortune is going to be linked to his policies that we allow. Publically his brand will be tested and what remains may just be a single survivor. 99.9% vs 1 @realdonaldtrump.