Last night, the first formal debate between the American Presidential candidates demonstrated how mass media shapes our country. Beyond the continuous election cycle that feeds the press daily, each candidate demonstrated how America is void of effective leaders. RFK Jr, who has been unable to meet “press requirements” was formally prevented from joining the nationally broadcasted debate. In the American spirit, he relied on to create a simulcast. His 2-minute opportunity to add to the debate is insightful. More a comment on the two formal candidates, RFK Jr provided his answers – and even failed to answer questions like the two Presidents. RFK Jr. knows he does not have the international policy experience of Biden. Yet Kennedy has the wherewithal to still be alive after the stress and demands of an American presidency. He is intelligent and understands the law. At this point, after seeing the 3 major news stations scramble with their post-debate coverage, RFK Jr should be allowed to debate in upcoming debates for America’s benefit.